Virtual Document Safe Storage

Virtual document safe storage is the process of converting physical files into electronic documents for storage, sharing and accessing. It can cut down on the amount of space needed to store physical files and enhance security by locking down certain portions of a file to specific users.

Online storage systems are particularly beneficial for businesses dealing with a lot of documents. Paper documents can be difficult to monitor and secure without elaborate security measures and administratively heavy checkout processes, and are often more vulnerable to being stolen or destroyed in a natural disaster like an fire. Electronic files are easier to keep track of and less likely to be lost. They also withstand destruction better.

Egnyte Governance Guide

A virtual document is an Documentum object that is composed of components files. Component files may be in different formats of files. The logical order of components is determined by the virtual document author. This order can differ from the logical organization of the files in the context of a folder-based grouping like a traditional file-folder structure. If the logical arrangement of components files changes, the entire virtual document must be re-ordered to reflect the changes.

While all businesses could benefit from implementing an online document storage system, traditionally paper-based companies like accounting firms and law firms might see significant improvements in their productivity by installing one. With proper controls in place the secure online document storage system can help secure your data from hackers and help keep your workflows running smoothly.